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  • Games after 30 days

    Hello , Thank you for contacting Cryptozoic. In order to help you with your damaged/missing pieces, please provide the following, 1. If you could respond with proof of purchase (attach file to this ...

  • Crafting Redemption Program

    Hello, We regret to inform you that we no longer hold the license for the World of Warcraft TCG license.  As we no longer hold the I.P. the Crafting Redemption Program is no longer available as of No...

  • Received broken Gravwell ships

    Hello,   If you have received damaged or broken ships from your purchase of Gravwell, please contact Renegade Games for product replacement.  You may contact them at http://www.renegadegamestudios.c...

  • Games after 30 days Shipping Cost

    Hello , Thank you for contacting Cryptozoic. In order to help you with your damaged/missing pieces, please provide the following, 1. If you could respond with proof of purchase (attach file to this ...

  • Store Locator Listings

    Q: How can I get my store added to your Store Locator page? A: In order to have your store added to our Store Locator page, please open a ticket (or reply to this email) with the following informatio...

  • Big Game Hunter

    The Big Game Hunter will track the Cryptozoic games and products you have purchased and is still in the works, so hang onto those codes until we launch the Big Game Hunter site. Once the site is ready...

  • estore billing and shipping outside North America

    Currently, our Cryptozoic eStore does not ship outside North America. Our eStore only allows credit cards as acceptable payments with a billing and shipping address located in North America.  Unfortu...

  • Issue with my Loot card.

    We regret to inform you that we no longer carry the World of Warcraft TCG products.  If you have an issue with your loot card, please contact Blizzard Entertainment as they own the I.P. for the World ...

  • Mispackaged and Misprinted Product

    In the case of mispackaged product(s), we can replace the incorrect product provided our Quality Assurance team is able to verify that the product is defective. In order to do this we must have the de...